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Título : Caracterización de los parámetros fisicoquímicos de los aportes de agua subterránea del embalse de salve faccha en la provincia de Napo
Autor : Martínez Fresneda, Miguel
Zaldaña Crespo, Emilio Gabriel
Fecha de publicación : jul-2018
Editorial : Universidad Internacional SEK
Citación : CT-AMB Z22c/2018
Resumen : El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de la generación de la línea base hidrogeológica e hidroquímica en el embalse de Salve Faccha en Papallacta, con fines de una gestión integrada del recurso hídrico para asegurar el abastecimiento de agua en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. Para esta investigación se realizaron muestreos mensuales tanto en el embalse, mediante perfiles hidroquímicos, así como en las surgencias que se encuentran en las cercanías del cuerpo de agua. Se midieron in situ los parámetros de pH, conductividad eléctrica, potencial redox, temperatura y oxígeno disuelto y se cuantificaron los componentes mayoritarios para caracterizar químicamente los puntos muestreados. Se encontraron varias surgencias termales que difieren significativamente de los puntos de agua subsuperficial y superficial, en relación con los parámetros de temperatura, concentración de sulfatos y oxígeno disuelto, encontrándose variaciones en más de 40 ºC, 130 ppm de SO4 2- o niveles de oxígeno disuelto que pasan de condiciones reductoras a oxidantes. Estos resultados indican que el embalse de Salve Faccha recibe de manera intermitente contribuciones de agua subterránea termal provenientes de los alrededores del embalse, nacientes que se detectaron en la época seca (enero y febrero) que, en época lluviosa, no son detectables debido a la inundación provocada por el agua superficial, tanto de precipitaciones como del caudal de aporte de los tributarios
This work is part of the generation of hydrogeological and hydrochemical baseline in the reservoir of Salve Faccha in Papallacta, for the purpose of an integrated management of water resources to ensure water supply in the Metropolitan District of Quito. For this investigation, monthly samplings were carried out both in the reservoir, by means of hydrochemical profiles, as well as in the upwellings that are in the vicinity of the body of water. The parameters of pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential, temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the major components were quantified to characterize chemically the sampled points. Several thermal upwellings were found that differ significantly from the subsurface and surface water points, in relation to the parameters of temperature, concentration of sulphates and dissolved oxygen, finding variations in more than 40 ºC, 130 ppm of SO4 2- or oxygen levels dissolved that pass from reducing conditions to oxidants. These results indicate that the Salve Faccha reservoir receives intermittent contributions of thermal underground water coming from the surroundings of the reservoir, springs that were detected in the dry season (January and February) that, in the rainy season, are not detectable due to the flood caused by surface water, both from rainfall and from the flow of tributaries
Descripción : This work is part of the generation of hydrogeological and hydrochemical baseline in the reservoir of Salve Faccha in Papallacta, for the purpose of an integrated management of water resources to ensure water supply in the Metropolitan District of Quito. This investigation was carried out in the reservoir, through hydrochemical profiles, as well as in the fountain that were found around of the body of water. The parameters of pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential, temperature and dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the major components were quantified to characterize chemically the sampled points. Several upwellings were found that differ significantly from the subsurface and surface water points, in relation to the parameters of temperature, concentration of sulphates and dissolved oxygen, finding variations in more than 40 ºC, 130 ppm of SO4 2- or levels of dissolved oxygen that goes from reducing conditions to oxidants. These results indicate that the Salve Faccha reservoir receives intermittently contributions of the thermal underground water coming from the surroundings of the reservoir, springs that appear in the dry season (January and February) that, in the rainy season, are not detectable due to the flood caused by surface water, both from rainfall and from the flow of tributaries.
URI : https://repositorio.uisek.edu.ec/handle/123456789/3093
Aparece en las colecciones: Ambiental

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