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Title: Los malitos cortometraje de ficción dentro de la producción audiovisual tesis descriptiva experimental
Authors: Jijón, Patricio
Rosero Vela, Andrea
Issue Date: Nov-2005
Publisher: Universidad Internacional SEK
Citation: CT-COM R728m/2005
Abstract: Las sociedades se encuentran en constante mutación, llamémoslo así en vez de cambio, porque un cambio se mantiene dentro de una línea preestablecida, sin embargo, una mutación es una transformación inesperada, que no sigue los lineamientos de la razón. Aunque, el desarrollo de las sociedades se da mediante largos procesos, no significa que por cuestión de tiempo, las comunidades hayan tomado los caminos correctos; es así, que aparecen grupos que no comparten normas y valores con el resto de gente que los rodea. Estos grupos, cuando cometen actos violentos y delictivos son conocidos como pandillas, de esta manera, es innegable que éstas, sean el resultado de una des - estructuración de la sociedad, más claro, un mal funcionamiento del núcleo familiar. Pero, como parte integral de este sistema, es nuestro deber como estudiantes y futuros profesionales de la comunicación, ayudar a quienes no se sienten parte de éste, para que podamos funcionar correctamente como colectividad.
Description: Societies are in constant mutation, lets call it this instead of changing, because a change is kept inside a pre-established road, nevertheless, a mutation it is an unexpected transformation, which does not follow the limits of reason. Though, the development of the societies is given by means of long processes, it does not mean that over, communities have taken the correct decisions; so that, some groups appear, and they do not share the rules and values of the rest of people who surround them. These groups, when they commit violent and criminal acts are known as gangs, therefore, it is undeniable that these are the result of a breakdown of the society, more likely a poor functioning of the family. But, as integral part of this system, it is our duty as students and future professionals of communication, to help those who do not feel part of this system, in order that we could work correctly as comunity. That is why, this investigation has taken as an intention, to talk about the life of the members of the gangs, to show not just the delincuencial 5 part, but also the human side; and one of the best ways of bringing this to the attention of the people, is to report a history, through the images. Precisely, it is the purpose of this thesis, which by means of a short film of fictional could denounce and educate society, about the problem of the gangs.
Appears in Collections:Comunicación Audiovisual

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