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Title: El valor económico agregado como herramienta de gestión aplicación empresa manufacturera
Authors: Rivadeneira, Miltón
Gaete Muñoz, María Augusta
Keywords: FINANZAS
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Universidad Internacional SEK
Citation: ST-ICF G129v/2001
Abstract: Las empresas ecuatorianas con ánimo de lucro persiguen metas y objetivos que tratan de cumplir, pero todas distan de la creación de valor, por ese motivo el presente trabajo evalúa el tema del Valor Económico Agregado (VEA), el cual es una herramienta que permite calcular y valorar la riqueza generada por la empresa, tomando en cuenta el nivel de riesgo con el que opera. El VEA proporciona los parámetros necesarios para que cualquier empresa lo adapte a sus operaciones, con el fin de saber con exactitud si la firma ha generado valor para sus accionistas. Con este fin, el presente trabajo consta de las siguientes partes: El capítulo uno habla de los parámetros teóricos del Valor Económico Agregado, su historia, definición, beneficios y objetivos principales. El capítulo dos trata del cálculo del VEA, mediante un ejemplo didáctico para su fácil comprensión, demostrando así su simplicidad para calcularlo y adaptarlo a las empresas. El capítulo tres presenta el entorno que rodea al Valor Económico Agregado, la manera de generar valor y su desenvolvimiento en el mundo empresarial. Y por último el capítulo cuatro muestra la aplicación del VEA en una empresa real ecuatoriana, su funcionamiento y adaptación a la misma. El VEA es un tema de introducción en el mercado ecuatoriano, por lo cual las empresas poco conocen del tema o lo desconocen totalmente, por ese motivo con el presente trabajo trato de dar una mejor visión de lo que es el Valor Económico Agregado (VEA).
Description: Having completed the four-year university career I had to choose a topic for the thesis that will be the conclusión of all the studies and research I have done; I have arrived to the decision that what will undoubtedly be a great contribution is a field work that will be very useful for my life personal as a professional and at the same time contribute from some way to tourism in our country. Research in this regard will help me to know and explore some areas that are not well known but that they represent a great treasure that we can take advantage of properly and that will be converted by their beauty into destinations tourist. Our country hides great wealth in terms of nature, landscapes, because it has immense resources of all kinds, and that although they are currently being used only a small part of these. Field research is truly important since which is an area of study where knowledge is related acquired with practice, I consider this research will complement what has been studied during these four years and will be a two great contribution for adventure tourism that begins to grow in the Ecuador. That is why I have considered the topic of resources that without a doubt our country is full of surprises, for all its peculiarities and its geographical situation allows you to have features that make you stand out as a special country, since it has a diversity of micro climates that in a single territory it is impossible to imagine their existence; Equally, Ecuador has great wealth that has been recognized since very remote times and today in day it is subject to careful studies by scientists naturalists from around the world. You have to recognize and learn to appreciate everything beautiful that we have, we can count on a variety of reasons for foreigners from all over the world visit our splendid country. We have a lot to offer and with great variety, from the more beautiful snows to the most exuberant beaches going by for the charm of the Ecuadorian jungle, and all this in one and the same small territory that getting from one place to another is a matter of few hours; this only in terms of resources natural, without forgetting the culture that is something that we should be proud, because in other countries this is almost inexistent; likewise we have architectural resources, such as For example, the historic center of Quito, which for all characteristics that it has been named Cultural Heritage of the Humanity. If we start mentioning all the resources that Ecuador has we could not help but be surprised by the wonders that we know about him and everything that is hidden and that we still need to know; and that without knowing how they are the same foreigners who come to discover it to show us the wealth of this small country in which we live and to which we do not give the value that it deserves. As an Ecuadorian, I feel very proud to be part of this wealth and every time I'm more sure that I've chosen the race that will allow my country to become known as what really is, a site that has been benefited both naturally and culturally and that has the charisma and quality of its people. The community needs to be aware of the importance that tourism activity has for the development of any nation. We must know that with tourism we have generation of foreign currency, creation of direct Jobs as indirect, which in the economy represents a factor indispensable. And once we learn to value the resources that we have we can be sure that we are ready for Tourism takes the right direction and can be developed in our Ecuador.
Appears in Collections:Finanzas

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