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Título : KALLARI Undertaking for the community and nature Indigenous entrepreneurship experience from the Amazon jungle
Autor : Coral Guerrero, Carmen Amelia
Palabras clave : Indigenous communities
Popular economy
Sustainable companies
Community development
Social Entrepreneurship
Fecha de publicación : dic-2023
Editorial : Universidad Internacional Sek
Citación : 305.8 C787 2023
Resumen : This book has been written with love and admiration for an indigenous community in the Amazon jungle that every day works, resists and cares for nature while generating income for the community. The information contained in this document was built thanks to mutual work and the friendship that arose during the field work of the doctoral thesis, entitled: Good Living (Sumak Kawsay) and Happiness in Ecuador, a process that took place in the Province of Napo, in the Ecuadorian Amazon region, between March 2016 and May 20211. The conversations, workshops and visits to the sector were made with two fundamental purposes: first, to document the work of the community and its achievements. For this, the experience of Kallari as a social enterprise was systematized. This involved revealing the forms of community and business organization, narrating the actions that led Kallari to position itself as a business, and understanding the challenges and opportunities for the company and the community. The second purpose is to give a voice to the people of the Kiwcha community of the Ecuadorian Amazon by making visible their experience of social entrepreneurship, and recognizing them as a reference for social groups or peripheral territories that want to start their business.
URI : http://repositorio.uisek.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5199
ISBN : 9789942808561
Aparece en las colecciones: Libros digitales Universidad Internacional SEK

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