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dc.contributor.authorSoria Vásconez, Lidia Alejandra-
dc.identifier.citationGT- DER So687a/2015es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa violencia contra la mujer es un problema social, que se desenvuelve en distintas esferas, y obedece a varios factores, como los culturales, el consumo de alcohol, drogas, falta de educación, cadenas familiares, entre los mas importantes. De conformidad con el presente estudio, se desprende que la legislación actual, tanto nacional como internacional, si bien reconoce y sanciona la violencia contra la mujer, los factores que materializan a esta última, y que son en gran medida raíz del problema, no son atacados y mucho menos sancionados. Asimismo, el ámbito procesal es deficiente frente a esta problemática, en este sentido los procesos tienden a dilatarse, no existe la debida motivación del juicio cuando se ha presentado la demanda, tanto de la parte actora como de la unidad judicial, incluso la investigación por parte de las entidades públicas responsables en los casos de violencia contra la mujer e intrafamiliar es mínimo. La violencia contra la mujer no es un problema nuevo, durante años se han venido dando luchas reivindicatorias de mujeres y hombres, que buscan la igualdad, la equidad, la libertad, en suma el respeto de sus derechos humanos y dignidad. Estás luchas reivindicatorias, han dado paso al desarrollo de debates entorno al género y las distintas corrientes feministas, de lo cual se advierte, la falta de conocimiento y la confusión de los conceptos reales de estos términos. En el Ecuador, la Constitución reconoce y garantiza derechos para todos, y no hace distinciones al respecto, es decir tanto hombres y mujeres, son elementos indispensables y propios de la sociedad, los mismos que siempre estarán interrelacionados y en permanente contacto el uno con el otro, por esta razón se concluye que la erradicación de la violencia contra la mujer es indispensable para el desarrollo social, y que necesariamente el legislador debe tomar la batuta en la respectiva reforma de ley, en la cual se logre combatir los factores de incidencia.es_ES
dc.description.abstractViolence against women is a social problem, which unfolds in different spheres, and It obeys several factors, such as cultural ones, alcohol consumption, drugs, lack of education, family chains, among the most important. In accordance with this study, it appears that the current legislation, both national and international, although recognizes and sanctions violence against women, the factors that materialize the latter, and They are largely the root of the problem, they are not attacked, much less sanctioned. Also, the procedural scope is deficient in the face of this problem, in this sense the processes tend to dilate, there is no due reason for the trial when it has been presented the claim, both by the plaintiff and the judicial unit, including the investigation by part of the public entities responsible in cases of violence against women and intrafamilial is minimal. Violence against women is not a new problem, for years Women's and men's demands for equality have been fought equity, freedom, in short, respect for their human rights and dignity. You are fighting claims, have given way to the development of debates about gender and the different feminist currents, of which it is evident, the lack of knowledge and the confusion of the real concepts of these terms. In Ecuador, the Constitution recognizes and guarantees rights for all, and does not make distinctions about it, that is, both men and women are essential elements of society, the same that will always be interrelated and in permanent contact with each other, for this reason it is concluded that the eradication of violence against women is essential for social development, and that necessarily the legislator must take the baton in the respective reform of the law, in which I managed to combat the incidence factors.-
dc.description.abstractViolence against women is a social problem, which unfolds in different spheres, and It obeys several factors, such as cultural ones, alcohol consumption, drugs, lack of education, family chains, among the most important. In accordance with this study, it appears that the current legislation, both national and international, although recognizes and sanctions violence against women, the factors that materialize the latter, and They are largely the root of the problem, they are not attacked, much less sanctioned. Also, the procedural scope is deficient in the face of this problem, in this sense the processes tend to dilate, there is no due reason for the trial when it has been presented the claim, both by the plaintiff and the judicial unit, including the investigation by part of the public entities responsible in cases of violence against women and intrafamilial is minimal. Violence against women is not a new problem, for years Women's and men's demands for equality have been fought equity, freedom, in short, respect for their human rights and dignity. You are fighting claims, have given way to the development of debates about gender and the different feminist currents, of which it is evident, the lack of knowledge and the confusion of the real concepts of these terms. In Ecuador, the Constitution recognizes and guarantees rights for all, and does not make distinctions about it, that is, both men and women are essential elements of society, the same that will always be interrelated and in permanent contact with each other, for this reason it is concluded that the eradication of violence against women is essential for social development, and that necessarily the legislator must take the baton in the respective reform of the law, in which I managed to combat the incidence factors.-
dc.description.sponsorshipDra. Patricia Alvear Peñaes_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Internacional SEKes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis del alcance de las leyes y políticas preventivas de violencia contra la mujer, especialmente para los casos en los que aumenta la violencia por días festivos.es_ES
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